Safe Life and Pensions: tailor-made insurance solutions
Insurance exists to protect you as an individual, and whereas some types of insurance are indispensable, others can become financial traps. It's important to weigh up carefully on a case-to-case basis exactly which services meet the individual's real need for protection. We analyse each of your individual insurance requirements and develop a more appropriate and effective solution, thus enabling you to face the future with the confidence of a loss not turning into a financial disaster.
No one is ever completely safe from everyday hazards. Accidents or Sickness can happen any time, anywhere. There are many different reasons why you should take precautions to provide financial protection. Have a look at some of our personal insurance plans.
We provide impartial advice on the companies we hold written appointments with in relation to Life & Specified Serious Illness, Income Protection, Pension Planning, Savings & Investments and Mortgages.
We also advise in relation to Health insurance such as Private Medical Insurance and Medical Cash, General Insurance such as car,home etc, Accident & Sickness, Income Assistance and Personal Accident.
As we are acting as a multi-agency intermediary our advice is limited to the companies whom which we hold appointments.
Product Producers whom with Safe Life & Pensions Ltd hold written letters of appointment to act as an Intermediary are as follows
HIVE Insurance Services Ltd
Aviva Insurance Ltd t/a Aviva
Aviva Life & Pensions Ireland Ltd
BCP Asset Management
Cantor Fitzgerald Ireland Ltd
Royal London
Independent Trustee Company (ITC)
Irish Life Assurance plc
Irish Life Health
New Ireland Assurance plc
Broker Ireland Network Services Ltd
Quest Retirement Solutions Ltd
Zurich Insurance plc
Zurich Life Assurance plc
Our specialist staff are qualified advisers accredited by the Life Insurance Association (LIA) and the Insurance Institute(III).
Safe life & Pensions Ltd is a member of Brokers Ireland (BI)
Safe Life and Pensions Ltd
Registered in Ireland, Registration Number 508071
Address 9 Firgrove Park,
Bishopstown Cork City
Safe Life and Pensions Ltd is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland